Scientific Works of NCFSCHVW. Promising digital technologies in viticulture and winemaking.

The collection of essays includes articles presented at the International Scientific Conference “Promising Digital Technologies in Viticulture and Winemaking”. The publication contains current issues of the application of promising information (digital) technologies and their elements to solveproblems in the field of ampelography, grape’s breeding, technological operations in the planting and cultivation perennial plantations, the production of planting material of grapes and wine production. Scientific works were published with financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory, project No. 19-44-231001. The publication is intended for employees and graduate students of scientific institutions, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of agricultural and biological profile, specialists in the field of viticulture and winemaking.

Petrov V.S., Popova D.V., Ilina I.A., Sokolova V.V.  
Computer model for creating and managing the production potential of ampelocenoses 
 Likhovskoy V.V., Volynkin V.A., Polulyakh A.A.  
Formation of a digital characteristic collection of genetic resources of grapes of the Institute "Magarach" 
 Troshin L.P., Denisenko A.P., Talash A.I.  
Ampelometry in modern viticulture 
 Ilnitskaya E.T., Makarkina M.V., Lobodina E.V.  
DNA analysis databases for the selection and nursery of grapes 
 Lukyanova A.A., Bolshakov V.A.  
Digital tools for collecting, summarizing and analyzing primary information of Anapa ampelographic collection 
 Naumova L.G., Ganich V.A., Novikova L.Yu.  
Digital technology at the Don Ampelographic Collection.  ME AND.  Potapenko
 Gorbunov I.V.  
Digital grape phenotyping tools 
 Popova D.V., Ilina I.A., Petrov V.S., Sokolova V.V.  
Formation of a database of grape varieties of various ecological and geographical origin for computer modeling of ampelocenoses 
 Aleinikova G.Yu., Russo D.E.  
Digitalization of agriculture and elements of digital technologies for the design of grape agrocenoses 
 Novikova L.Yu.  
Information system for assessing the adaptability of grape varieties to climate change 
 Marmorshtein A.A., Petrov V.S., Aleinikova G.Yu., Yurova A.Yu.  
Testing the descriptive scoring model of grape productivity in the conditions of the Black Sea agro-ecological zone of viticulture 
 Lukyanov A.A.  
Information technologies in soil science and the tasks of forming a database of grape-suitable soils in the Krasnodar Territory 
 Pankin M.I., Seget O.L.  
High technology in viticulture 
 Kazakhmedov R.E., Kazakhmedov T.R.  
The Prospects for Digitalization of Technology application of growth regulators in viticulture
 Radchevsky P.P., Lutsenko E.V.  
ASK analysis of the regenerative ability of grape cuttings 
 Lutsenko E.V.  
Automated system-cognitive analysis in viticulture and winemaking 
 Malyshenko K.A., Malyshenko V.A., Anashkina M.V.  
The ORANGE software package and the advantages of its application in bioinformatics (a case based on data on wine varieties and micrographic images of yeast protein localization) 
Antonenko M.V., Guguchkina T.I., Burtsev B.V., Antonenko O.P.  
Possibilities of professional sensory analysis of wines to identify grape growing places 

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