Scientific Works of NCFSCHVW. Principles and methods of increasing in stability and productivity of garden and grape agrocenoses at molecular, cellular and organizm levels under unstable environmental condition.

This publication reflects the results of research carried out by scientists of the NCFSCHVW in 2018 in fundamental and priority-applied areas of scientific subjects. The extensive material is presented on the study of molecular DNA marker methods in the breeding programs in the process of study and assessment of genetic resources in the collections of horticultural crops and grapes, certification and classification of varieties in the process of regional assortment`s renovating. The principles of increasing in the adaptive and phytosanitary stability of perennial agrocenoses and methodological approaches to the identification of structural and functional relationships in reproduction processes have been developed. Agrobiological, physiological, biochemical, and technological assessment of promising varieties in the unstable environmental conditions is given; the new preparations for adaptively integrated systems of plant protection are recommended. A significant place in the collection is given to the prospects for the development of winemaking in the Krasnodar Territory, the identification of the authenticity of wine production, the identification of criterions for the physical and chemical indicators of authenticity and environmental safety of wines and brandies. The publication is intended for employees and graduate students of scientific institutions, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of agricultural and biological profile, specialists in the field of horticulture and viticulture.

journal тематический сетевой научный
электронный журнал скфнцсвв