The main stages of Institute's life

Creation and development of FGBSO “North Caucasian Region Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture” is directly connected with the organization in the North Caucasus of the industrial production of fruits and grapes.  
• On June 6, 1931 for the scientific ensuring of the growing branch by the order of "Garden-Wine Organization" in the village of Slavyanskaya on the base of state farm "Sad Gigant" the North Caucasian Zone Experimental Station was organized, it was entered into the system of Southern Scientific Research Institute of the Fruit and Berry Economy of Kiev. Such persons as G.V.Trusevich, A.K. Priymak, M.A.Kolesnikov, L.M. Sergeys, O.M. Kedrova have been in the beginning of creation of Experimental Station, they were the founders of the scientific schools of Organization. 
• In 1932 the presidium of All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named. V.I. Lenin reorganized the Experimental Station into the Azov-Black sea regional station with the next departments: agricul technology; varieties study and breeding; protection from pests and diseases; agrichemistry and soil science. 
• On July 13, 1944 the Krasnodar Zone Fruit-Grape Station of Scientific Research Institute of Fruit-Growing named. I.V. Michurin was organized. 
• On March 5, 1948 by the decision of the Council of Ministers of USSR   № 3329 in the Kaladzhinskya village of Labinsk Region the test field of Krasnodar Fruit-grapes Experimental Station was organized. 
• On August 28, 1949 by the order of the Council of Ministers of USSR № 1337 in the Kalinin village of Pashkovskiy district of Krasnodar Region the fruit nursery of Krasnodar fruit-grapes experimental station was organized. 
• On September 20, 1954 the depute minister of agriculture of the RSFSR   I.Zhukov confirmed the statutes of EPF of the Krasnodar Fruit-grapes Zone Experimental Station of Scientific Research Institute of Fruit-growing named. I.V.Michurin of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR.
• On February 14, 1956 by the decision by the CC CPSU and the Council of Ministers of USSR № 253 the Krasnodar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture was organized, where Krasnodar Fruit-grapes Station with Kaladzhinskiya support point were entered. 
• On May 20, 1958 the Experimental Station was reorganized into the North-Caucasian Regional Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture (NCRRIH&V).
• In 1959 by the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR № 110 from 17.03.1959 the Anapa's Zonal Experimental Station of Viticulture and Vine-making based in 1922 by the decision of the Council of Peoples' Commissars and by the edict of the People's Commissariat of agriculture of RSFSR on the base of the former test field of the Kuban Army was connected to the Institute.
• In 1978 in the structure of Institute the EPF named K.A.Timiryazev was organized, on the base of this farm the complex for nursery planting and quarantine of plants were created.
• On January 5, 1988 by the order of the Council of Ministers of RSFSR №3- r from 05.01.1988 on the base of Institute and its enterprises the science and production association of "Kuban Gardens" was created, and the EPF "Central" and EPF "Anapa" and EPF named K.A. Timiryazev and wine factory "Primorskiy" were entered into this association. 
• In 1995 on the base of EPF "Anapa" the Russian ampelografic collection of grapes was created. 
• On July 19, 2001 by the decision of the Presidium of Russian Agrical Academy (record № 6 from 13.06.2001) and by the order № 57 the Stavropol Experimental Station of Horticulture was joined to the Institute, this station was based on July 1937 by the resolution of the Stavropol Executive Committee as the Zarge-scale experimental point on the fruit cultures and floriculture of the Stavropol KRAYZO. 
• On December 12, 2005 on the basis of decision of the Presidium of Russian Agrical Academy (record № 9 dated November 9, 2005) and by the order № 120 into the structure of the Institute the Krymsk Experimental Breeding Station (Krymsk city), based in 1935 as a scientific research economy of Krymsk canning factory was entered, this Station later was entered into the structure of All-Russian SRI named N.I. Vavilov. 
• In 2013 in accordance with the Federal law dated September 27, 2013. № 253-FZ "About the Russian Academy of Sciences, reorganization of the state academies of sciences and insertion of changes in the separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation” and by the order of the government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2013 № 2591-r the North Caucasian Regional Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture was transmitted in the conduct of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FASO of Russia).  
In the different years such persons as Efimov P.S. (1931-1934), Eroshenko A.S. (1935-1937), Oktyabryskiy YA.I. (1938-1939), Filyakov S.S. (1943-1945), Ivchenko K.E. (1946-1950), Dr. Sci. Agr., Prof. Priymak A.K. (1951-1971), Dr. Sci. Agr. Popov V.N. (1972-1982), Dr. Sci. Economics., Prof. Pereverzev I.N. (1982-1998) and since 1998 – the Corresponding member of RAS, Prof. Egorov E.A took over the leadership of Experimental station and Institute.  
At present the FSBSO “North Caucasian Regional Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture” is the large-scale scientific methodical and breeding- technological center of horticulture and viticulture in the Southern and North Caucasian federal regions.

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