In the materials of the collection the research work results of scientists of FSBSI NCFSCHVW and the specialized institutions carried out in 2017 in accordance with the plan of SRW are generalized. The main attention is paid to research on the acceleration of the breeding process based on the improved methods of breeding and molecular genetics; to creation of new varieties of garden crops that have a complex of breeding and economic valuable signs; to formation of stable and highly productive agrocenoses. The modern state of research in the system "genotype-environment interaction" is noted, the methodological bases for ensuring the effective control of stability of reproductive processes in the branch production are developed. Materials of research on revealing the mechanisms of basic xenobiotic's transformation in the objects of the agrocenoses ecosystem under the influence of abiotic and anthropogenic factors are presented. A significant place is given to the storage of fruit and berry products and to the development of new food products that have a dietary value and a functional focus. The collection is intended for employees and post-graduate students of scientific institutions, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of agricultural and biological profile, specialists in the field of horticulture and viticulture.

journal тематический сетевой научный
электронный журнал скфнцсвв