The founder of the scientific school of physiology of fruit crops and grapes in the North Caucasus region is Grinenko Valentina Vasilievna (1908-1981), the Dr. Biol. Sci., Professor, the Head of the laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry of NСRRIH&V from 1960 to 1981. In the conducted research she claimed a new approach to the solution of scientific problems as well as integrated systemic study of the physiological nature of the basic plants properties and their responses to external conditions. One of the first in the country she began to work for environmental physiology. She identified the methodological approaches to evaluation of plant stability to stresses using the changing of associated traits and she formed the principles of optimal crown's construction of fruit trees and grape's plants.  Under the direction of V.V. Grinenko the 9 doctoral theses were made, she is the author of 5 inventions and about 100 published works. As a major specialist in the sphere of her working, she was the coordinator of physiological research in the area of Institute activity.
The physiological research of fruit crops and grapes continued her follower, Cand. Biol. Sci. – Uy.S. Pospelova, the head of the laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry from 1981 to 1988. During this period the main attention was devoted to the study of the physiological nature of compatibility of components of grafting fruit crops. The study of photosynthesis, water regime, application of growth regulators on fruit plants and grapes were further developed.
Since 1988, the scientific school of plant physiology in the NСRRIH&V actively developed under direction of Dr. Sci. Agr., Professor T.N. Doroshenko towards elaboration of biological basis of early diagnosis of prospects of scion-rootstock combinations of fruit crops, to create the highly productive industrial gardens. She offered the new methods for early diagnosis of growth force of  grafting combinations, the diagnostic criterions of frost-resistance, salt tolerance, sensitivity on mineral nutrition and high content of heavy metals in the soil. A great contribution to the development of the scientific school in the different years was made by candidates of science – Uy.A. Meržhanian, L.S. Fomenko, V.G. Popova and by scientists – E.G. Buyttner, E.V. Makarova, L.N. Shcherbakova, I.I. Stetsenko, L.D. Bad′.
In 2003, under the leadership of Cand. Biol. Sci. I.V. Hvostova the evolution of the scientific school of plants physiology gained a new development. The comprehensive assessment of varieties stability of fruit crops and grapes to limiting environmental factors in the different areas of Krasnodar Region was conducted; the interaction of components in the system of "genotype-environment" was studied.
From 2008, under leadership Dr. Sci. Agr. N.I. Nenko  the laboratory of plant physiology continued the development of the main research directions of the scientific school of V.V. Grinenko on the modern methodical level. A study of physiological and biochemical, anatomical and morphological characteristics of the production process, as well as the adaptation of varieties and hybrids of fruit crops and grapes of different species and ecological-geographical origin to limiting stress factors are conducted. The researchers of laboratory take a part in the research, supported by grants of Russian Found for Basic Research.
Copyright certificates and patents for 28 inventions are taken out. The scientific school of physiology of fruit crops and grapes founded by Professor V.V. Grinenko develops actively and the methodical approaches and concepts put in the its basis have the practical results demanded by science and production.

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