
(Melba x Kuban' spur, mutation breeding)
Authors: S.N. Artyukh
A variety is in the State Register since 2009.
The data of ripening is the middle of July.
A tree is dwarf with compact, oval crown of "spur" type. Density of trees placement is from 1 to 3 thousand on hectare. Winter hardiness and drought resistance are highest.
A variety has a high stability to scab and middle stability to powdery mildew. Trees enter into fruitage on the 2-3rd year.
The fruits are large (190 g), one-dimensional, of round form. The main color of apples is light green, the cover color is purple and crimson, the most part of the surface is pruinose. The fruits have a harmonious sweet-sour taste, they are stored for 2 months. Their transportability is good.
Biochemical indicators of quality: the content of dry substances is 15,45%, sugars – 9-10%, acids – 0,5%, pertinacious substances – 0,7%; vitamin C – 2-14 mg / 100g, the sum of P-active agents – 92-110 mg / 100g.
The recommended cultivation area is the regions of the North Caucasus.
The optimal schemes of landing: on the dwarf rootstocks are – 4,0 x 1,2-1,5 m, on the middle growing rootstocks are 5,0 x 2,0 m.

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