
сорт яблони Искра(Mantet x Melba, mutation breeding)
Author: S.N. Artyukh
The ripening date is the beginning of July. A tree is low growing with compact oval crown of "spur" type. The winter and drought resistance is highest. The variety is perfectly adapted under the condition of all zones of Krasnodar Region.
The tree enters into fruitage on the second or the third year depending on the rootstock.
Crop capacity is of 35-50 t/hectare.
The fruits are large (170 g), one-dimensional, of round form. The main color is light-green, the cover color is purple and crimson on the most part of surface. All surface is pruinose of average density. The fruits have a harmonious sweet-sour taste with aroma. Duration of storage is 2 months, fruits transportability is good.
Biochemical indicators of quality: the content of dry substances is 16,55%, sugars – 9-14%, acids – 0,5%, pectins – 0,7%, vitamin C – 12-15,0 mg / 100g, the sum of P-active agents is 95-140 mg / 100g.
The recommended cultivation area is the regions of the North Caucasus.
The optimal schemes of landing are 1-4 thousand of trees on hectare.

journal тематический сетевой научный
электронный журнал скфнцсвв