Маяк станичныйMayak Stanichny

(Alenushkino x Kuban' 16-40)   
Authors: S.N. Artyukh, T.A. Kosheleva
Variety is in the State Register across North Caucasus Region since 2006.
The date of ripening is the end of August or the beginning of September.
A tree is dwarf, with compact oval crown of "spur" type. Winter hardiness, drought resistance and stability of fruits and leaves to fungal diseases are high. Crop capacity is 35-50 t/hectare.
Fruits are large (250 g), one-dimensional, round, strongly flattened. The main color is light-green the cover color is purple-orange on the most part of surfaces. Pulp is dense and juicy. Fruits have an excellent dessert taste and fragrance, they are stored 60-70 days. Transportability is good.
Biochemical indicators of quality: the content of dry substances is 16,55%, sugars –      9-13%, acids – 0,6%, pertinacious substances – 0,8%, vitamin C – 12-15 mg / 100g,   the sum of P-active agents – 95-140 mg / 100g. 
The recommended cultivation area is the regions of the North Caucasus.
Optimal schemes of landing: on the dwarf rootstocks are 4,0 x 1,2-1,5 m, on the middle growing rootstocks are 5,0 x 2,0 m.   

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