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Resources saving technologes in the horticulture and viticulture
The collection presents the results of research for 2016 on fundamental and priority-applied direction of scientific subject. A significant place in the publication is devoted to the collection, conservation and study of the genetic resources of garden crops and grapes, using DNA marker methods of research; to formation of a gene pool for use in breeding programs for the creation of new varieties with high production and adaptive potential. The mechanisms are scientifically based and the model of management of resource-saving processes in modern horticulture and viticulture is presented. Agroecological aspects of cultivation of fruit crops and grapes under stressful conditions of the environment are considered and the methods of an estimation of agrical ecosystems condition are offered. The regularities in the formation of entomo-acaro-pathosystems of modern garden and vine agrocenoses have been revealed. Methodical aspects have been developed to ensure the quality and environmental safety of wine-making products and the methodology of food products designing for preventive purposes. The publication is intended for employees and graduate students of scientific institutions, teachers and students of higher educational institutions of agricultural and biological profile, specialists in the field of horticulture and viticulture.

June 29, 2017, 5:12 p.m.
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